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You & Your Lawyer

We at Renee M. Williamson, Attorney at Law, PC wish to define in detail the nature of the relationship between you and your lawyer. 

Your lawyer has a legal, professional, and ethical duty to provide you with the best representation possible.  As your lawyer, our goal is to negotiate the most reasonable settlement possible for you, or to try your case before a court in the most effective way possible. 

For us to do this for you, it is critically important that you be completely open with us.  Tell us ALL of the details of your case — good and bad.  This point cannot be emphasized enough … tell us EVERYTHING.  A lawyer who knows the whole story can do a better job for you than one who doesn’t have all of the facts.  And if you don’t tell us everything, you can be sure your opponent will use this information to surprise us and embarrass you at the worst possible time. 

Also please remember that your lawyer has a duty to keep everything that hurts you completely confidential.  A lawyer cannot even tell his own spouse about your problem.  Lawyers have to keep lots of secrets…we will keep yours.

You’ve paid good money to get the best legal representation.  Don’t shortchange yourself.  Tell us everything we are going to need to know to be your advocate.

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Susan Lunsford Assistant



Renee Bloodworth, Attorney at Law, PC

(910) 448-2889


130 E Church St, Atkinson, NC 28421, United States